
Today …

Was a Great Day! ^^

I got up really Early,

(hopefully woke up ;] Really Early ;], because last night I spent a few Precious Hours of my Life Reading the printed copies of my Informdtics lectures)

a~a~and after hitting heavily thealarmOFFbutton gradually forced myself OUT of my beloved bed and its warm and cosy bed covers

(…mmmm…ya~a~awn) :]

It was a Good thing Wakin`Up this early because I had made a prearangement with some of my former Classmates to Meet ^^…Since it`s been a  long time we last saw each Other ^^. I felt really nice looking at their faces, remembering our high school experiences and wishing, for at least a second …to go back to those days and be a National_high_shool_of_Commerse_Student…Again ^^

Those past 5 years...Were a blast!! ^^

Another Reason I`m glad that I did not Slept In..was that my classmates and I had organised a Surprise for our Teacher – a

Euphorbia pulcherrima ——> 

Which we gave her at her very home, in fact right there in front her blocks entrance gate. I must emphasize that noone has before been to her home, and thanks to the Modern days technological Methods – (..GPS-system) – and Some Recon actions on her Location, We Found her Place and Gave her Our gift – Personally ^.^

She Was Really Happy and Touched, we talked over some tea/coffee and cookies, arranged a Probable next time Meeting and Parted 🙂

Next Reason why I Regret NOT getting Up so early is that I had the Chance to meet my Best (Life-time, actually) Friend ;-] – Evgenia ^^. She`s studying in New Castle right now and has come back home for the holidays ^^. The first time I saw her today felt great, as if the time had stopped and we were still high shoolers aranging meetings like this one (obstacle none – due to the proximity we were in: one and the same city and all of that) but Now studying in different countries makes it a little ..more.. complicated, yet we still manage to

"See each other & talk Our Hearts Out" - 

over the all-so-popular Skype, of course 😛 .

Oh, yes

Today, definitely, had been a

Wonderful Day!!


Snowy Pld

It`s a Winter Wonderland!


It`s so magical and beautiful! ^^

It`just “a little bit”  cooler than my preferances for the idle weather conditions

But Deny – I cartainly can`t

the Beauty of the Snow covered entities around…  



My two tests had been graded 

and I am now more relaxed 

knowing I have the opportunity to

skip a few Examinations during the Session.

The result for the History is not of great personal delight and satisfaction, but …those are my capabilities at this state.

I lam glad with my B in Mathematics, especially since it was about Integrals – Indefinite & Definite & their Application in finding Areas and Volumes. Now I`ll wait for my professors`s decision whether I will or won`t be excused from the Exam session.

Now my next exam is a prior engagement – it will be in Informatics and I hope to recieve a passing grade as well.

Next Shall Be Economics


I hope for the best! 

Examination day

Today I`ll be sitting both a test in Hisory and a test in Mathematics.

These past few days I and a Colleague of mine hd spent considerable amount of our time in solving Math problems with the hope to perform well today. I think we prepared ourselves to some extent.

I feel a little insecure for the upcoming history examination, though, but thanks to the gap in between the two tests I`ll read some more and…Keep My Fingers Crossed!!


I`m listening right now to this lively song to boost my spirit and fight my fatigueness_mode…

Enjoy! ^^



A Wise man was asked:

– What kinds of friends are there?

Four – he said. There are friends like food – you interact with them every day. There are friends like medicine – you look for them only when you need them. There are friends like a disease – they always search for you. But there are friends like air – you do not always sense them, but they are always right there next to you!