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Today …

Was a Great Day! ^^

I got up really Early,

(hopefully woke up ;] Really Early ;], because last night I spent a few Precious Hours of my Life Reading the printed copies of my Informdtics lectures)

a~a~and after hitting heavily thealarmOFFbutton gradually forced myself OUT of my beloved bed and its warm and cosy bed covers

(…mmmm…ya~a~awn) :]

It was a Good thing Wakin`Up this early because I had made a prearangement with some of my former Classmates to Meet ^^…Since it`s been a  long time we last saw each Other ^^. I felt really nice looking at their faces, remembering our high school experiences and wishing, for at least a second …to go back to those days and be a National_high_shool_of_Commerse_Student…Again ^^

Those past 5 years...Were a blast!! ^^

Another Reason I`m glad that I did not Slept In..was that my classmates and I had organised a Surprise for our Teacher – a

Euphorbia pulcherrima ——> 

Which we gave her at her very home, in fact right there in front her blocks entrance gate. I must emphasize that noone has before been to her home, and thanks to the Modern days technological Methods – (..GPS-system) – and Some Recon actions on her Location, We Found her Place and Gave her Our gift – Personally ^.^

She Was Really Happy and Touched, we talked over some tea/coffee and cookies, arranged a Probable next time Meeting and Parted 🙂

Next Reason why I Regret NOT getting Up so early is that I had the Chance to meet my Best (Life-time, actually) Friend ;-] – Evgenia ^^. She`s studying in New Castle right now and has come back home for the holidays ^^. The first time I saw her today felt great, as if the time had stopped and we were still high shoolers aranging meetings like this one (obstacle none – due to the proximity we were in: one and the same city and all of that) but Now studying in different countries makes it a little ..more.. complicated, yet we still manage to

"See each other & talk Our Hearts Out" - 

over the all-so-popular Skype, of course 😛 .

Oh, yes

Today, definitely, had been a

Wonderful Day!!



There is NO Place Like Home

Finally, finally I`m able to spend some more time in my Hometown – Plovdiv. I`m not a big Fan of urbanised cities but at this one I feel Safe and Relaxed. Not that there`s a lack of Tension around or that Security is Uptight that gives away these vibes, but the fact that I`m accustommed to this city`s natural rythm and habitat and I`m aware what can happen, where and when and most importantly How to react. 

Another factor that makes me feel embrased and welcomed here are of course all My Treasured Memories, which are ,One way or another, associated with Plovdiv. Every street, every corner, every tile brings back in my mind a different moment of my life and makes me Refeel and Relive that Specific occasion.

My friends, My family, My acquaintances have all contributed much in making this city feel like, REaLLy Feel Like, MY very OWN city!

I really Enjoy my Visits here and when the time for departure comes I can`t help it If I`m feeling Sad BUT I know that I shall Return Soon and this helps in making the Separation process – milder ^^